When you buy both the Hoof Uncovered 1 & 2 today you'll SAVE 20% off the regular price!
When you buy both the Hoof Uncovered 1 & 2 today you'll SAVE 20% off the regular price!
We'll explore each layer of the hoof, understanding the healthy aspects of your horse's hooves and how, sometimes, they can face challenges that lead to pathology. We'll explore why these changes happen, empowering you to become your horse's hoof health champion.
We'll go deeper into the hoof in series 2, as well as begin to understand the biomechanics of movement, the gaits, how shoes can affect the foot, and finally looking at the Phoenix Trim - Mother Nature's blueprint for the natural foot.
We'll explore each layer of the hoof, understanding the healthy aspects of your horse's hooves and how, sometimes, they can face challenges that lead to pathology. We'll explore why these changes happen, empowering you to become your horse's hoof health champion.
We'll go deeper into the hoof in series 2, as well as begin to understand the biomechanics of movement, the gaits, how shoes can affect the foot, and finally looking at the Phoenix Trim - Mother Nature's blueprint for the natural foot.
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